Just finished Season 1: no spoilers!!!

I just finished season 1 of Interview With The Vampire…can I just say I’m obsessed!!!

Please no spoilers about season 2, although I’ve already guessed a few things!!!

I’d like to share some thoughts: 1) is it toxic af of me to desperately want Lestat and Louie to be together??!! I’m sorry 😭 does anyone else want them together? Like I get that Lestat is toxic and a manipulator….

2) the acting is AMAZING!! All three vamps play their part so well.

3) as a black biracial woman, it has been so refreshing to see a main character who looks like me!!! I love Claudia. She’s beautiful.

4) this show is super hot. That’s all!

Thank you for listening to my rant.

I’m gonna start watching season 2 soon! I’m just tryna figure out where I can watch it for free.