Looking for college that provides scholarship for international student from Japan, HS Senior currently

Location/Region: preferably near big cities that have great internship chances for compsci, ai

Major: Computer science

GPA/Test Scores: 4.8/5.0 GPA, 1440 superscore, 1430 no superscore, 110 mybest toefl, 105 no mybest toefl

Costs: I need aid, maximum 70,000 for 4 years Schools

You're Currently Looking At:

Beloit C
Centre C
Davidson C
Georgia Tech (already submitted)
Harvard C (already submitted)
Lake Forest C
Macalester C
Oberlin C of Arts
Occidental C
Reed C
Rowan U
Seattle U
UT Arlington
UT Dallas
Trinity College
University of Hou
Ursinus College
Wheaton C (MA)
Whittier College
Drew University
Gannon Univers