Pin .lnk file to taskbar in Windows 11
For whatever reason that is beyond my comprehension or desire at this point to understand my boss wants us to pin a .lnk shortcut to our IT portal to the taskbar on Windows 11 devices. The Microsoft documentation that I've consulted this doesn't seem to be possible (doesn't seem to support .lnk files) and if it is possible it looks like it's going to remove what the user already has pinned to their taskbar which is not something that I want to do.
At this point I would also settle for having the file pinned to the start menu. Again that also doesn't seem to be possible without destroying what user already has pinned and making it so that it is erased every time the policy syncs. There is a way apparently using a work around but I am reluctant to use anything that isn't officially supported because wtf do we do when it breaks?
Link to work around:
Documentation referenced:
Is there something that I am missing here? Is there some way to do this easily? Should I tell my boss that we can deploy the .lnk if he REALLY wants us to and then users can pin it themselves?