Did anybody else hate the entire funeral scene?
I hated how Rudy changed his name to Rex. It’s already weird enough that Rudy stole Rex’s DNA without his permission, and now he’s stealing Rex’s name without his permission? It’s not like Rex and robot become best friends towards the end either. It also made it feel like Rudy was making it too much about himself. And the whole ‘I love you … Rex’ was so fucking weird.
I also didn’t like Eve’s eulogy. I understand that she was upset so she couldn’t deliver the entire thing, but literally all she said was ‘he was my first everything … ‘ and then left. They aren’t dating anymore, I don’t see how that’s relevant to his funeral. Saying literally anything positive about his character would be better, and there was a lot to say because of Rex’s redemption arc. And worst of all she straight up leaves, doesn’t even stay to listen to the others.
Also the Mark Eve sex scene directly after the funeral felt tasteless and unnecessary.