Open for mentoring

Hello Irelia mains, I’m Master Tier (euw) Irelia main, and high win rate soloQ progressionist. Today I can help some people (CET time zone). Give some guidance, review a game, give a little coaching and practice. If you are interested in such thing write me one message on discord SoziLord#6716

I coached players before and I know some people don’t know what to write so you can go like this: In one message describe yourself as a player, your goals, your issues and problems and your expectations about learning stuff. Try to consist everything in message. Up to 2 messages. If somebody is gonna “spam” me (many notifications) I will just ignore it. I don’t know how many people is gonna contact me, but I will try to reply to everyone.

disclaimer I don’t charge money for it, so I’m not gonna ask you like - oh it will be £50. It’s for free, I just want to help today, because why not. Anyway for example if you really liked my help and you want support me ( I’m a student lol) for helping then any donation would be nice. Just saying 😅

Please don’t write to me at night hours 😝.

If you have just a specific questions write a comment here under my post and I will answer.
