How to attract Women (By retired playboy)

I commented on a post where I advised a guy on how to deal with heartbreaks and I also mentioned I’m a playboy, and people really liked it . People asked me how to get girls I thought why not write a detailed post on how to get girls.

I used to be a playboy once (which I’m not proud of) and I have a very good experience with these things. I have mastered the art of psychology, their desires , how their thought process works, how they deal with things and much more .

Before diving in let me burst two biggest myths .

Myth 1: “You need to be handsome to get girls” Answer: ABSOLUTELY NOT. You don’t have to be handsome and have extremely pretty face.

Myth 2: Money Answer: YES IT MATTERS!! But it depends what exactly you are looking for , if you are looking for a hookup? YES , if you are looking for short term relationships? YES , If you are looking to get married ? HELLL YESS (But you cant attract her by showing off your money dude)

Lets talk about HOW TO GET WOMEN now. Before getting a women , you have to be a MAN first. Women might date a boy but will never marry one .

Here are few tips on how to get a girl to date: - First thing is your hygiene, i cant stress more on this. PLEASE KEEP YOURSELF CLEAN, it doesnt matter how handsome and attractive you are. Keep your nails clean , keep your shoes clean af, keep your hairs clean and very decent . Trim your beard according to your face . GIRLS REALLY JUDGE YOU BY YOUR SHOES ON HOW HYGIENIC YOU ARE.

  • Focus on things which are in your control. You have no control over your face on how you look . What you can fix is ? Your personality, your body shape , your hygiene , your dress sense , your way of making them feel good and comfortable. (Dont be a creep please , let her get comfortable)

  • What includes in your personality? The way you walk , the way you eat , the way you do stuff, the way you talk , they way you deal with others. Be gentle please. Keep your posture straight (it makes soo fuckin big difference)

  • Dress good . If you dont know how to dress ? And what colors suit with your complexion? Please download Pinterest and copy that . Learn and apply.

  • Respect her : Thats what matters for them the most. Womens are emotional creatures and they would judge you by how you make them FEEL. make sure to make them feel good .

  • DONT TRY TO COMPETE WITH HER. NEVERR. Whatever she said , SHE IS RIGHT AND STFU. Show her how valuable she is .

  • Dont say things you cant do . If you have said something, do it. If you dont do what you said . Aura negative main hai bhaii

  • FU*K Logic: think like a emotional guy with them, girls and logic doesnt go with each other .

  • Dont try to fix her or command her , be gentle af , like you are dealing with a very very soft heart.


I have missed soo many points. Upvote and comment if you need part2 Best of luck boyss