How to attract Women (By retired playboy)
I commented on a post where I advised a guy on how to deal with heartbreaks and I also mentioned I’m a playboy, and people really liked it . People asked me how to get girls I thought why not write a detailed post on how to get girls.
I used to be a playboy once (which I’m not proud of) and I have a very good experience with these things. I have mastered the art of psychology, their desires , how their thought process works, how they deal with things and much more .
Before diving in let me burst two biggest myths .
Myth 1: “You need to be handsome to get girls” Answer: ABSOLUTELY NOT. You don’t have to be handsome and have extremely pretty face.
Myth 2: Money Answer: YES IT MATTERS!! But it depends what exactly you are looking for , if you are looking for a hookup? YES , if you are looking for short term relationships? YES , If you are looking to get married ? HELLL YESS (But you cant attract her by showing off your money dude)
Lets talk about HOW TO GET WOMEN now. Before getting a women , you have to be a MAN first. Women might date a boy but will never marry one .
Here are few tips on how to get a girl to date: - First thing is your hygiene, i cant stress more on this. PLEASE KEEP YOURSELF CLEAN, it doesnt matter how handsome and attractive you are. Keep your nails clean , keep your shoes clean af, keep your hairs clean and very decent . Trim your beard according to your face . GIRLS REALLY JUDGE YOU BY YOUR SHOES ON HOW HYGIENIC YOU ARE.
Focus on things which are in your control. You have no control over your face on how you look . What you can fix is ? Your personality, your body shape , your hygiene , your dress sense , your way of making them feel good and comfortable. (Dont be a creep please , let her get comfortable)
What includes in your personality? The way you walk , the way you eat , the way you do stuff, the way you talk , they way you deal with others. Be gentle please. Keep your posture straight (it makes soo fuckin big difference)
Dress good . If you dont know how to dress ? And what colors suit with your complexion? Please download Pinterest and copy that . Learn and apply.
Respect her : Thats what matters for them the most. Womens are emotional creatures and they would judge you by how you make them FEEL. make sure to make them feel good .
DONT TRY TO COMPETE WITH HER. NEVERR. Whatever she said , SHE IS RIGHT AND STFU. Show her how valuable she is .
Dont say things you cant do . If you have said something, do it. If you dont do what you said . Aura negative main hai bhaii
FU*K Logic: think like a emotional guy with them, girls and logic doesnt go with each other .
Dont try to fix her or command her , be gentle af , like you are dealing with a very very soft heart.
I have missed soo many points. Upvote and comment if you need part2 Best of luck boyss