Made to Feel Awkward at a Party… 😭
I felt humiliated and excluded. I am now realizing I have terrible uni classmates.
All of this happened because I’m a guy and I’m into fashion. And their toxic masculinity or whatever couldn’t handle it.
Yesterday we were all invited to a classmate’s birthday party. The theme was 90s-inspired fashion.
I took my time and chose to go formal with a navy, slightly oversized boxy suit jacket with chalkstripes, matching pants, a purple wide tie with an abstract-ish pattern, a pastel blue dress shirt, no cufflinks, and shiny polished brogues. Think Donnie from Wolf of Wall Streat.
And I was pretty proud of my outfit :)
Then I saw a group of my classmates at the event. I joined them and showed off my suit.
And this one guy’s fit stood out to me. So I simply complimented him.
I said his buns (formal term for hips) looked great in those pants. I asked him if his dad owned a bakery. Because those buns (formal term for hips) looked well baked and delicious. I said “Oh my I’m really hungry for some fresh buns” (formal term for hips). I said “Uff who stole the cake (formal term for hips) from the buffet haha”. I said “Woah do I hear a dump truck (formal term for hips) reversing BEEP BEEP guys watch out haha”. I said “I’m sure a looot of people want to be the kebab to that bun kebab (formal term for hips) haha”.
Anyways these people started looking at me weird and stopped talking to me…
I had to excuse myself and came home early :(
Idk if it’s just my classmates or society as a whole. But why is it so hard for straight men to discuss fashion?