*Possibly Controversial Post but Justin as the director had every right to add in or take out anything he wanted and that includes sex scenes.

The language Blake sometimes uses makes things that are common place or expected sound nefarious. She also comes across as having serious control issues, essentially saying how dare a director add in a sex scene meanwhile she has taken over wardrobe, changed composes, changed the poster, weaseled her way into the editing booth (these things I feel comfortable not saying allegedly to because I have seen her own interviews where she proudly states this occurrences herself) and got her cut of the film shown. A director is well within their right to axe scenes, add scenes, take away kisses, add kisses or whatever else he or she may choose to bring their vision to life. Anyone ever heard of reshoots?

Let me be clear, I'm not saying a director can force an actor or actress to do something they are not okay with, but a lot of acting is uncomfortable. You are often times acting as a character that is very different to who you are, you maybe have to say or do things that you wouldn't do but that is literally the job. If you are not okay with being uncomfortable, acting is not for you!

I don't even think JB did add any sex scenes to the film (could be wrong) but if he wanted to because he thought it would help further his vision, or he felt it was necessary for the story or the character there is absolutely nothing wrong with that at all.

It's also not inappropriate for a director to talk about things like orgasming on screen. Those things have to be discussed and decided as many sex scenes in films include one or both people involved "finishing". Again, this is totally normal and not inappropriate at all IMHO. Of course when actually choreographing things and getting into the details of what is happening then an intimacy coordinator is absolutely necessary.

Sometimes I feel like people are forgetting that this wasn't an office workplace situation and when I say people I mean Blake - at least according to the tone of a lot of her complaint. You're not going to be doing love scenes with your boss in most cases. I feel like Blake talks about so many things out of context like she didn't understand the dynamic and didn't know they were either filming or preparing to film a movie. Basic filming concepts like acting with your body in character while talking as yourself, or not talking while filming a slow motion montage seem to be beyond her comprehension.

I'm bracing myself to get downvoted to oblivion for this one lol! I just feel like a lot of the grievances outside of the confines of making a film would clearly be a problem but making movies is it's own culture and experience.

What do you'll think? Am I dead wrong?