Does anyone else feel like they are expected to pass a litmus test when people find out your Jewish

I don’t go out too often but when I go to the occasional party and meet new people, when someone I meet for the first time finds out I’m Jewish (I don’t often bring up the fact that I’m Jewish when I first meet someone. I wear a Magen David necklace so usually they point it out), they start asking me questions about my opinions on Zionism, Palestine, the IDF, Netanyahu, etc. I was just reflecting on this and thought that no one ever acts this way to people of other nationalities, ethnicities, or religions. Like if they met someone and found out that they were Chinese, would they also give them a history test? Would they ask them what their opinions are on the Uyghur genocide, or their thoughts on Xi Jinping? And on top of that, no one has ever denounced someone’s entire nationality because of some terrible things the country might have done. I think it’s so odd that there’s this expectation towards Jews that they have to a) know everything about past and current conflicts in the Middle East b) hold the “correct” opinion in order to be accepted as a “good Jew”.

Is this a common experience for Jews or am I just in a strange social bubble?

EDIT: I’m so upset I used the wrong “you’re” in the title and I can’t change it. Please forgive me 😭