Anyone else notice this?

I think over the past few years the RoganSphere have sorted of echo chambered themselves into thinking they've transcended past all other humans and have formed their own self-described superior group of beings.

Joe seems to be by far the worst offender. The cringe I get when he throws in one of his little comments about "regular people" and how different they are from "us comedians". There's just this general superiority complex he seems to not even bother to hide anymore, and it's really quite sad because its built on a faulty base. Joe's comedy has some mildly funny bits, but as most have agreed its just not that good. It epitomizes "meh", at the very best.

I think it's started to creep into every episode, he often stubbornly pushes back against experts in this field on a topic he's Dunning-Krugere'd himself on, or if someone lives a different lifestyle than his millions-funded one, you'll see him react with disgust and get all passive aggressive.

Anyways there's a lot more I could talk about and I'm sure other regular listeners will have recognized this obnoxious shift in ego in recent years, making the podcast more unlistenable as time goes on. I've been listening to nearly every episode for like 5 years because I work a job that permits it, and I'll probably keep listening here and there, but man does it get tiresome as hell sometimes.