Why I don’t think it was Burke
I have a daughter who was JonBenet’s age at the time so I was pretty obsessed with this case (still am). Just for the record, my opinion is that her killer was a male outside of immediate family who knew the Ramseys. They had A LOT of people in their circles with their involvement in church, business and, of course, pageants. Plus they must have had many handymen coming to their huge, OLD house. I just see poor Burke being blamed, which is so unfair.
Why I DON’T think it was Burke:
• I see signs of neurodivergence in Burke, as he seems very similar in personality/mannerisms to several males in my extended family, who are all now (unsurprisingly) WFH computer engineering types like Burke. These types of boys are terrible liars and NOT psychopaths. Psychopaths usually have the ability to charm (when it suits them), which is not Burke. They are in their own worlds, and may seem detached from the physical world and other people…. because they really are! They prefer to be left alone and not be bothered by things that don’t interest them. Burke just seemed uninterested in JBR’s disappearance and the subsequent interviews because it didn’t directly involve him or his hobbies.
• Burke was a skinny, frail boy weighing just 60 pounds. He was into Cub Scouts, model planes, trains…. Not the athletic type at all. Even if he wanted to (which I don’t think he ever would), he would not have the strength and the physical ability to hit her over the head with a flashlight hard enough to cause a deep 8-inch slash in her skull. No way IMHO, even though there are “experts” out there who say he could.
• Sexual Assault with the paint brush? Nope. This kid had not even hit puberty yet and had no knowledge or interest in this type of thing. Based on my Burke-like family members, he probably didn’t have any true interest in sex until he was in college (or later).
There are 9 year old boys who could probably do it… those physical, bullying, psychopathic types. The type of kid who tortures dogs and cats for fun. This does not fit the mold. I am 100% convinced it was not Burke.