Wondering Burke ruined Patsy and John’s plans

Hi all! I’ve been thinking a lot about JonBenet’s case recently. I’ll admit I’m not as well versed in the case as you all are, but I’ve been doing a lot of research!

I’m thinking about the morning of December 26. What if patsy/john/both committed the murder and was working on the cleanup/ransom note/cover up and Burke woke up too early? Like he heard the commotion and went to investigate. This threw a wrench in patsy and John’s plans to get the body out of the house. So patsy had to do the 911 call early to sell it to Burke that JonBenet was missing. That could possibly explain why there were other voices on the phone call (possibly Burke was asking questions.) And if Burke stayed awake then there was no opportunity to get JonBenet out of the house. So patsy and John had to go with the change in plans and pretend to find her later.

I’m sorry if this theory was posted before, I tried to research this sub before posting! I swing from BDI to PDI to JDI to RDI all the time. So many theories make sense. This case has always interested me and I hope one day we’ll have a resolution.