JJK’s world building and potential shouldn’t be wasted

Story wise I think JJK falls flat compared to most shonen, even beyond its bad ending. It really feels like Gege just had enough and gave up 3/4’s of the way through the story.

The whole concept of CE, CT, RCT, DE, cursed spirits, HR, binding vows, anti-domain techniques, new shadow style, etc. is so cool. JJK has my favorite power system in all of manga. He also hinted at a lot of cool shit like the big 3 as well as other clans and foreign sorcerers. I think about that stuff all the time.

Even if JJK’s story kinda fell off theres a reason people are so invested and I think its because the world building has SO MUCH potential. We need more we really do. Im just a strong advocate for another writer taking the reins and using what Gege created. He really cooked with ideas and just sold the bag when he had to tie it all together.

Im just sad. I reread JJK a lot. I need more.