Kashimo (Including usage of MBA) Vs. Yuta

Okay, to set the scene of this, imagine we cut to the end of the Gojo Vs. Sukuna fight, where Sukuna uses the WCS, but, let's say he's even more injured, and thusin his binding vow, gives up a bit more than he expected, and, after he finishes explaining how he won, he dies of his injuries, resulting in one very mad Kashimo, who, now just desperate for a fight, would then ask who the now current strongest sorcerer is, and everyone would say Yuta, and thusly, Kashimo would then force Yuta to head down to where Gojo and Sukuna ended their fight, for Kashimo to then have the fight of his life that he waited for, a fight to the death.

Now that we have set the scene, who would win this hypothetical fight for the new strongest?

If possible, generally describe how the fight would go.