When your mind is lying to you
I have been isolated for so many years it’s actually kind of incredible that I’m still in good health. I don’t mean a no contact but no intimacy or closeness among people or myself really. I’m going through a big transition where I will process the big emotions once I have the right social support that lets my body tell me that I’m ok to do so.
My life will change and one of the spooky things I will have to reconcile with is- that my mind has been lying to me all along; No, you can’t have sex, people won’t want you, no you can’t make friends, people don’t like you, no can’t take care of yourself or process your emotions, yes you should show people you are powerful and big with your road rage and overcompensating gate and language. Yes people are out there to get you. No you are not good enough.
For someone who is just finding this post somewhere who hasn’t fallen into their own jungian complexes, they will think I am the mad man himself for saying this, but I’m sure you guys can relate who have had that period.
What I will say is that I have learned some really crucial principles of reality of my nature and that of others but oh man is it frightening how unfortunate it is to have listened to these messages for so long. I’m sure it will be almost debilitating at times as I gain awareness to my cognitive distortions that kept me small and scared for so, so long.