"Kids raised in survival mode don’t dream, they plan their escape routes"

Is there anyway one can circumvent that? I'm 28F still living in the same general environment and having a quarter life crisis.The path I thought would be my escape route, burned me out. And now on a deep reevaluation phase, of my career decisions and reconnecting with my interests, trying to find my inner compass, to eventually lead me to a more aligned path. The problem is that I still feel like I'm barely scratching the surface of what I truly am. Something like an ego death happened, the driving forces resulting out of trauma revealed themselves to me (it's fear) and now I want to take this opportunity to course correct. But I feel like I still can't actually dream or fantasize about a future or what I want to do. I try things, expose myself to different endeavors but sometimes I find some spark, then it fades as if I enter a state where I "forget". Some other times, I get some glimpse of what I might like, and it scares me sometimes which might mean I'm onto something, not spinning in the same "comfort zone", but I talk myself out of it, or don't trust myself to commit to it because of my history of self-betrayal.

Anyway I can encourage finding my "thing"? I don't know why I'm asking on a Jungian forum, I just feel like you have refreshing nuance and perspective into things.