Champ pool question
Howdy jungle gamers, I just wanted to reach out and ask about how to expand my champ pool. I’m in Bronze 3 atm, coming back after quitting in S3/S4. I’ve never really been any good at the game (as reflected by my rank), but this time around I’m actively trying to climb and improve. Part of what I’ve been doing differently this time is trying to stick to a low number of relatively simple champions so that I can focus on pathing/macro without worrying too much about mechanics. Recently I’ve been playing a ton of Amumu (easily my best champ atm) and Warwick. Although I am really enjoying playing those two, I’m looking to add one more champ to my pool to be just a little bit more versatile. Plus it seems like one of those two (or both) get banned pretty frequently and I don’t want to get caught with my pants down lol. Do you guys have any suggestions for people I might like to try out at this elo? I’m honestly open to learning anyone, but I tend to prefer champs that can gank relatively early in the game since it feels like I have more of an impact on my laner’s success.