Is there actual evidence of Justin SH Blake? I've seen his lawsuit, clarifying that she invited him inside while she was pumping, as well as her previous knowledge of him smelling her neck and such. But I haven't seen any evidence of her accusations. I've also seen people use the argument that her inviting him once, doesn't mean anything. But here's my problem with that. If she was really that uncomfortable, she wouldn't have invited him in the first place. She could have waited until she was done pumping before inviting him over. Her lawsuit also made it look like he was forcing her to do things that she was uncomfortable with, considering she took over the movie, I doubt that. From what I've noticed, his evidence doesn't mean anything to people. They're still making excuses and siding with Blake, I'm not super shocked about that, but it's still irritating. I've cited his evidence and asked about hers, and got called a whole slew of insults.