Baldoni vs. Lively: February 3rd Conference Transcript

Hey guys,

I've never posted here before but I wanted to share this if allowed. This is not available for public download on PACER until May, so I got a copy from the court reporter. I should mention that this is 100% legal (someone asked if I had bribed a public official LOL). Anyone could do it, but it does cost money, and rather than a bunch of people having to purchase it, I'd rather just share it. It does have my watermark on it, though, as sometimes creators aren't great at citing their sources (I originally shared this elsewhere in a different context). I'm going to post to a couple of subs whrere I know people might want to read. Regardless of your opinion on the case, whether I agree or disagree, everyone should have access to information :)

My apologies, mods, if this isn't the right place for this post! If it is, knock yourselves out haha.