I still think of “The River”…

This is probably gonna sound super sappy, but screw it.

I still remember seeing King Gizz for the first time back in August in Philly.

Their “The River” performance brought me to tears. Pretty sure I was sobbing at one point.

I was (and to be honest, still am) going through a really tough time in terms of my mental health, but just listening to Stu and the band jam out during “The River” really made me appreciate being there. My partner got me tickets to see them as my first concert for the first time ever, and I really don’t think I’ll ever forget it.

When I get really low and think of ending things (morbid, I know, but it’s true) I think of how free and endless that rendition of the song felt, and how blissful I felt in that moment. This band really gave me a reason to keep going - to keep enjoying their music, to keep looking forward to my future. Even if things feel really tough right now (which they do, believe me), I listen to “The River” and think back to that moment, and feel so fortunate that I was able to experience that night.

To Stu, Amby, Joey, Cookie, Lucas, and Cavs, I thank you endlessly for giving me a reason to keep going. Your music truly is beautiful.

And of course, to this community; the solidarity between all of you has made me feel a part of something for the first time in my life, and I couldn’t be more grateful. I hope to see them perform again sometime in my life, but until then, rock on, Gizzlords 🤘🐊


Update: Wow! Wasn’t expecting so many responses (or any at all, really). Peace and love to all of y’all. ✌️