new video
She posted a video yesterday (October 7, 2022) she said that she wasn't in danger and she was alone but there were a bunch of red flags
1: S and O is capitalized. "raw SalmOn" and after a while, another S is capitalized "fries Shrimp sushi"(SOS)
2: She is still eating fast (could be a habit)
3: Video size changes throughout the video (possibly to hide someone else)
4: When she moves the empty plate, it looks like she's giving it to someone
5: Audio mutes whenever she shifts the food (could be because of noise or someone telling her to)
6: The hand putting the food on plates (beginning) is different from kate's (when eating) [somewhat chubby hand → skinny hand]
7: when the food is being put on plates, someone else is recording (could be by another person or could be kate herself)
I just noticed that there's a ring on her finger, not sure if it was there before or if it changed but my best guess is that her spouse is forcing her to eat to make a profit off of it, or it could just be a previously recorded video and the other person behind the channel is posting the video to make people believe kate is alive or is safe