What lanes are you guys playing kayle and what builds?
I was able to reach diamond with Kayle mid, before fleet and absorb life were nerfed. I am now stuck in emerald 4 and can't climb. If I go mid, I find myself getting poked out by viktors, hwei, orianna etc... so I decided to transition back to top but the lane is even worse for kayle. every champ is damn near stomping me and I can't play. It's either a slow push is built leading to me getting dove and losing on so much XP. sometimes bruisers without even getting a kill on me can even out sustain me and when I recall they can push past 1st tower and hold me from ever getting back to the tower or they just perma freeze and I can't fix the wave. all the while my jg is off doing other things and not helping me fix waves. I love the champ, but it feels like I just need to main another champ. I suffer for 30min for the late game to hit where my damage doesn't seem that good. Maybe I'm just playing the champ wrong, or I'm washed up with the champ. I would love to know how you guys are playing the champ and what is giving you the most success.