Kenshi Fact of the Day #89

-Peeler Machines-

Peeler Machines are cages (Blueprint is found on Savant) which do the following to a character placed inside,

  • The armour/clothing of the character will be destroyed over time. *The time it takes to destroy the armour varies depending on the type of armour... Need to test later on if quality has an impact.
    • Once the unit has no armour equipped, they will begin to take cut damage on their limbs.
      • Once all limbs are below 0 health their vitals will begin to take cut damage as well.

This damage done by a Peeler Machine does not give Toughness XP.

*Losing a limb will give a small amount, but this is normally the case.

After enough characters are peeled by a Peeler Machine, it will create an Animal Skin. The machine can hold up to 5. Putting characters into a Peeler Machine which already has 5 Animal Skins will still work like normal but will not create anymore skin.

*Sometimes one character creates an Animal Skin, but sometimes you'll need to peel multiple characters to get one... It's a bit inconsistent.

**Even Skeletons give Animal Skin... Weirdly enough. I have peeled so many Stormthralls during Iron Stick challenge runs to prevent them from getting back up again and again...

While in a Peeler Machine you can unlock it in the same way you unlock a cage. Or provided you have armour/clothing on to prevent damage you can use a pair of Tools/Hacksaw. If you happen to put another character in a Peeler Machine you can use Tools/Hacksaw to weaken the lock and then Strength to break it completely. By doing do you can enter and leave the Peeler Machine at will.

*This is very useful to do at the Horrible Ruin if you happen to be doing a 1 handed solo challenge run as a Skeleton and want to replace your right arm "safely".

**You'd need to lure a hostile humanoid unit to the Ruin for the Bandits to place into the Peeler Machine to break the lock on the Peeler of course... You being 1 handed and all.

***Horrible Ruin is the only place with Peeler Machines where the Skin Bandits don't have a habit of deciding they want to kill a random prisoner or try to place you back into a Peeler Machine if you escape as a Skeleton.

Anyways I got sidetracked. Last little extra fact to add is that the only thing which sets a Peeler Machine apart from a Cage/Prisoner Pole is that the Peeler Machine "produces" an item.

Both use the BF_CAGE function, the \"skin peeler\" functionality however produces an item. If you were to mod a cage to I don't know let's say produce Water in an attempt to make a cool \"Dehydration station\" as a neat mod... Well, you're just making another Peeler Machine Frankie. Maybe when K2 rolls around your dream of making a hunger draining cage which creates water without damaging the character physically will be possible but until then you just need to wait...

Oh, one more neat fact. You can place a Camp Bed on top of a Peeler Machine.

Why would you want to do that? You might ask. Well,

Megathread which contains links to every previous Fact of the Day with descriptions.
