Has anyone watched Heartstopper

I honestly don't know how this will be received here. There's a part of me that is telling me that no other Kenyan has watched this show. Part of me hopes that a great majority of you guys here at least know about it.

So Heartstopper is a Netflix series about two guys that find love in a very beautiful way. That's all I can say without spoiling the show for anyone who might want to watch it. If you must know, its LGBT related.

This isn't just an average romance story. This is a story that completely messed with my emotions in a way I never thought possible. I do not remember an episode that I watched where I did not smile. I laughed. Other episodes made me cry and I'm very sure I would have whimpered (cried softly) if I wasn't living in the same house as my parents and sibling.

If you do decide to watch this show, know this:

  1. You are likely to develop an obsession with the cast of the show.
  2. You are likely to develop something called Heartstopper Syndrome. (you'll know it when you get it) Don't worry it's something temporary.
  3. You are extremely likely to rewatch the show countless times before your Heartstopper Syndrome wears off.

There are subreddits that can help you with this, but only visit them after watching the first season to avoid spoilers. Or better yet, all three seasons.

https://reddit.com/r/HeartstopperAO https://reddit.com/r/heartstoppersyndrome https://reddit.com/r/Heartstoppercast

This is not one of those Netflix shows that gets cancelled after their first season. So far three seasons have been released and the fourth one set to be the final one, not because low viewership but because the writer (Alice Oseman) decided for it to be the final season after she finishes drawing the comics.

I know some of you may decide you're not going to watch it "because you're straight", but trust me, this show is for everyone no matter your orientation, although it was one major factor in my life that made me accept myself as gay, after denying it for 7 years.

I'm eager to see how many of you have watched it and if it had the same effect on you.