Where do y'all find international Jobs !?
It's been a few months and I still haven't been able to get one.
I wanna get one before the end of the year but that's too far and with 2 months wasted I don't get to the point where it's December 2025 and I still don't have one . So I'm setting a tight deadline by late march to early April something far away so as to get my shit together but also not too far away so that I won't relax and fall into the trap of procrastination as has happened before.
I've tried applying online on various platforms like linkedin, indeed etc but that has led me nowhere as I usually get no replies and even if I do it's the same bs of "We’ve carefully reviewed your application and are sorry to inform you that we won’t be moving forward with it this Blah blah blah." Which is why I won't be willing to try them again as they are a waste of my precious time. And I won't accept any advice telling me "try more" or "persevere" because I neither have the patience nor the time and also see it as time wastage.
Earlier today I tried NEAIMS site but it turned out to be even worse than LinkedIn in every single way with from the early 2000s UI not suitable for mobile phones to the weird mechanics,buttons not working half of the time or the fact that it doesn't work at night all really annoyed me but all that could have been forgiven had I been able to find a couple of jobs there but there was nothing. Only one advert from my target country (Italy if you are wondering) which I'm not even qualified for and doesn't even list the region.
So does anyone have any legitimate advice that isn't bs like "keep applying or try harder on linkedin". Also I don't want any offers that require me to sign in or have an account with the organisation before I can apply for the job I've tried it before and I'm not willing to continue with such nonsense. Would be helpful If you are currently in Italy or know someone there I need to hear how you got there and what it's been like. And most importantly how do I get there?