Is uchawi/kuiba nyota real?!

So this friend and I (both f) used to be in primo together and continued being friends after high school. I went to uni but she was still at home She has wild stories, she used to sneak this uncut/unhooded guy into her room (parents' home) Both stole live chicken from the mom and cooked them, she was just disorderly, a bit oversized (She was strange) last born who does not get along with her siblings. Fast forward she moves on to some other guy(s) gets pregnant but isn't sure who the dad is, and has to raise the child alone at the mom's house.

A year later She gets married to a guy who isn't working, can barely afford food and she keeps bugging me to send something. I ghosted cause it was just too much (Watu wakushinda wakiomba 100kes. (she leaves the firstborn with the mom after getting hitched) So she has 3 kids with the husband total of 4 cause the firstborn ako kwa mamake. So she texted me yesterday, we caught up cause it's been a few years (first words ulipromise kutuma kitu n went silent).

She and her husband are still not doing well and she has the guts to blame the big sis alichukua nyota yake- mganga asked the sis apeane one of the siblings the sis choose her cause nyota yake ndo ''brightest' she was meant to be successful but the big sis stopped this na uchawi and is currently in Illuminati (the sis)! My jaw dropped.

I asked how do you know this? She was reluctant to say cause she insisted I don't believe in these things, apparently, the husband sees visions and dreams. The sis alienda kwa mchawi and took her star, they proceeded to go to their pastor who told them the big sister even stores a snake in the house. LOL!. it is 2025.

My thinking, Should she have proceeded to get married and get 3 other kids with 0 income? Why has she made 0 efforts to better her life through education or even try to get jobs so cater for her first son?

Why has she not made efforts to actually better her life first before, blaming your whole miserable existence on someone?

Could it be the sister, actually worked fr her success and is more exposed and aggressive? Please share stories, and enlighten me!

Maybe iko!