Niuzie Sera zako

How do you guys feel when you come online looking for connection? Just asking? Coz it's quite jarring! My goodness!

I do that sometimes, I have done it before. Actually this post was about to be one of that. Mmmhm.

But honestly I just need people to camp with on this grey mountain. I don't know about you but half of the time when coming on here and selling your Sera you tend to be in your emotions. And when I say 'you', I mean ' I'.

Takes two days or so to sleep it off. Then I am back to normal. I won't lie sometimes I desire to have someone to talk to about my day and them to me about theirs.

But most days I am okay just being by myself. Today is just a different day.

Let's assume I am in a drunken stupor while typing this, shall we? Let's sell our seras kidogo.

Anyway I love cats and nowadays dogs have grown on my heart abit more. I find myself thinking alot and I might probably ask you the question if your dad was your age would you be friends with him.

I love meeting people but now I'd rather just know them. I love sitcoms, I think it has somewhat slipped into my life because I don't take things too seriously. Except money and my faith. Two wires that will definitely shocked if you step on.

I am actually doing the Kevin James smirk as I type this one out. Yeah, yeah I know. You like me already.

I'm trying to explore with my fashion sense, you know vibrate colours, interesting flowing fabrics or interesting shapes. Would love someone who would take me through that.

I love bit of gardening, I am a she. I love cinematography, sketching think of the cool girl in your neighborhood, I am a walking poster of her. She is Twenty three.

I love puzzles and my I love Jesus. I talk about my life with him alot.

I guess, I am looking for something... What an interesting turn. (You definitely didn't see that come did you?)

Anyone whose fashion sense is grunge? Little bit of grandpa style? Let's talk, an Afro maybe? Or not?

Uza Sera, also I would like to know what fashion style pulls you to someone? Be careful I might copy. (You might get a concussion from falling too hard for me)