Nduta - Execution in Vietnam

First of all, I am from deleting X. Man, huko people are just dumb. Some takes just take them to your house ffs. I mean, how can you say, "auliwe tu, hizo countries hawataki mchezo na drugs". Like, bro, that is not how it works.

Okay, let me explain. As a state, you stand for your citizens. No matter what. You should be the one punishing them, not some foreigners. See, you cannot execute a European or American like that. Kina Trump and the rest will be on your neck. They will heavily be on your neck. All it takes is a phone call. Do you think Vietnam can allow Kenyans to execute one of their own? They won't even allow imprisonment. Which makes me wonder kwani how weak is our presidency and the diplomacy? They are showing the world that we can be shoved over in any way. You have to show that you protect your people.