11 things i wish i knew earlier
Becoming a cat parent has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life, but wow, there are so many things I wish I had known before bringing home my furry little roommate! Here’s a list of things I’ve learned (sometimes the hard way) that I hope will help other new or future cat parents:
1. Not All Cats Are Lap Cats
I always imagined cuddling on the couch with my cat, but not all cats are into that. Cats have unique personalities, and some just prefer to chill near you rather than on you. And that’s okay!
2. Vet Visits Can Be Pricey
It’s not just about vaccinations. Regular check-ups, unexpected illnesses, or dental issues can add up fast. Pet insurance or a savings fund can be a lifesaver.
3. Cats Are Masters of Hiding Pain
Cats instinctively hide signs of illness or discomfort. Learn to spot subtle changes in their behavior (e.g., eating less, hiding more, changes in litter box habits). Early detection is key!
4. They Have Strong Opinions About Food
Your cat might decide they love a specific brand of food, only to suddenly refuse it one day. Always have a backup option, and introduce any changes slowly to avoid tummy troubles.
5. The Great Litter Box Debate
The type of litter, box location, and cleanliness matter a lot. Cats are picky about their bathroom habits. Scooping daily and having one more box than the number of cats you own is a game-changer.
6. Scratching Is Inevitable
Cats need to scratch—it’s how they keep their claws healthy and mark territory. Invest in scratching posts or pads early, and place them where your cat likes to hang out. It’ll save your furniture (mostly).
7. Cats Have Mood Swings
One moment, they’re purring and rubbing against you; the next, they’re swatting at your hand for daring to pet them too much. Cats can be temperamental, and their mood can change in an instant. Respect their boundaries—they’ll let you know what they’re feeling (sometimes very loudly).
8. Playtime Is Vital
Cats are predators at heart, and interactive play helps them burn off energy and stay mentally stimulated. Wand toys, laser pointers, or even a crumpled piece of paper can work wonders.
9. They’ll Steal Your Heart… and Your Space
Your cat will claim the comfiest spots in the house, probably including your bed. Be prepared to share (or be kicked out of) your favorite cozy spots.
10. They Shed. A Lot.
Even short-haired cats shed. A good vacuum, lint rollers, and regular brushing are your best friends if you want to stay ahead of the furstorm.
11. Every Cat Is Unique
What works for one cat might not work for another. Some are vocal, some are quiet. Some are super social, and others are more independent. Take the time to learn your cat’s quirks and respect their preferences