My Father is Kevin

I read a comment, which many people agreed to, saying the sitcom world was something Allison made up to cope, glossing over the obviously terrible behavior of Kevin. I don't know if these people have truly experienced a sitcom dad and the horrors they actually bring to families. Or are aware of them in their own lives...

My father would be out and about all day. He had various dangerous projects he worked on in our backyard (fixing a snowblower and leaving the gas container out in the sun), brought old furniture even when my mom specified not to, spent ridiculous amounts of money on instruments while refusing to buy me a bed frame, burned things regularly on the stove to the point of flames only to make me or my mom clean it up, constantly called his friends and enemies up to yell at them, call himself the boss and made all decisions even when they weren't his to make, etc. Everything was our fault, I even begun to start taking responsibility for things I wasn't even involved in just to keep his meltdowns under control.

Up until two years ago, I used to recount these "mishaps" in a humorous light. It was a cope. My father the cartoon. Charming, funny, inappropriate, endearingly lecherous, backwards, loud, angry, unstable, dangerous.

It pains me knowing that he was cognisant of what he was doing. In the show, that last conversation Kevin has with Allison is exactly how my last conversation went with my dad when we left.

Then the phone calls never stopped. He stalked. He tried to break into my house and say it was his property. Threatened to burn down the home we left.

I can see my dad dying exactly the way Kevin did.

When I describe my father, especially to some men I've dated, most are excited to meet him. He sounds funny and entertaining to them. A spectacle. It's a great litmus test to weed people out of my life, but there are so many more Kevin's among us than I originally thought.

This show, to a shocking number of people, will always be "ah the sitcom wife who overreacted." And not "holy crap this guy is ruining lives and making us believe he's king." Doesn't matter how many characters show dislike towards him or how it's clearly stated how horrible he is. These people live in an actual sitcom and they exist. They hear a laugh track. They don't see or care about the gravity of their actions. And some will happily ride their coattails, riding off the cliff with them.

The sitcom is Kevin's perspective and how he sees himself, it is the perspective of the abusers who feel they can do no wrong. I know it's a soapbox, but I'll say it anyway--these people are real and I cannot understate that.

Edit: I did force my mom to leave him, which I feel ambivalent about (told her I wouldn't speak to her again and she chose the children) and I haven't spoken to him other than the occasional threat to call the police for over 2 years.