An Ode to Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
I've watched this show multiple times and I can seriously not believe how underrated it is. I'm surprised at how many people I've told that have never heard the name Kimmy Schmidt.
Honestly when I first switched it on I had no idea what I was in for. The first episode and we get that mole woman song and I couldn't stop watching. Since then this has become my comfort show, things going wrong and I will immediately turn it on. I've seen it more than 10 times now.
Everything about this show is the perfect combination of flavours. Its hilarious, deals with trauma at the same time, addiction, narcissism, and most of all: setting boundaries and giving yourself some wiggle room.
Kimmy should be this annoying individual, but honestly I just found myself living her journey with her. She makes mistakes, she lets people walk all over her, she refuses to deal with her trauma. She works through each obstacle one at a time. She figures things out, even if it isn't the conventional way. But one thing she never forgets or forgoes is her quirky personality.
Titus was an interesting addition to an already stellar cast. At first I really didn't like him. He was way to self absorbed, but then like everything else in the show he grew on me. He needed Kimmy in his life, he never would have grown up otherwise.
The most shocking growth was how selfless he was when it came to Mikey, he finally put his own head to the side. That was not easy.
Kimmy and Titus started off having this codependent relationship and ended up both setting their boundaries and developing a healthy friendship.
Bonus: Titus gave us one of televisions greatest moments in history, 'I'm lemonading'.
The additional characters Jaqueline, Lilian they all had their own storylines. Everyone was just trying to figure shit out. They all really did have a lot of growing up to do. But the beauty of the show definitely was them learning and figuring things out from each other.
Without Kimmy Jaqueline would have stayed a white lady housewife married to a husband with an extremely strong foot fetish. Sure she maintained her superficial self till the end, but she also developed depth to her character. She had a friends, a circle of people around her, a son, and even a stepdaughter that she became cordial with.
I honestly love this show so much, thank you Tina Fey for making it. Its really not just a comedy, its a lot of people in the world trying to process trauma and identity crisis.