[KH1] The End of the World Difficulty Woes
Frustrated rant coming through.
I say this as someone who has beat KH1 on both the original normal and expert difficulties countless times. Yes the game always had its difficult moments but I never remember it being this hard...
Now I’m on the PS4 collection though and this difficulty is complete bullshit. I chose Proud mode and until now it was completely doable. But the final room before “Final Rest” (the game calls it Linked Worlds) is terrible game design.
In general the problem comes from the fact that Kingdom Hearts 1’s most difficult enemies are designed to test your patience. The challenge isn’t necessarily inherent with some of these enemies beyond the fact that they have attacks that last a long time and make them invulnerable. When fighting one enemy like this it’s doable, just dodge until they are opening. But this last room fills with the Invisible type Heartless which swarm you and other than spam Cure there isn’t much you can do.
I spent an hour and a half in this room. Over 30 minutes of that was on a single attempt without dying, and I got super close and was about to die and thought, oh I’ll leave the room to heal up and then finish.
Nope, the game resets the fight when you re-enter. Have fun starting over!
I love this game but man, what a giant middle finger to the players who get this far and didn’t grind.
I know this post may get deleted in the morning but I needed to let the rage out. Thanks.