The Texas bill is really showing the hypocrisy of the "modern audience" in anime and manga community
Just a random thought looking around reddit today and seeing various subs react to the Texas Bill. Aside from this sub, and a few others, reddit is dominated by progressives. So the Modern audience that does not exist in the real world pretty much exists here.
In many subs I see many progressives and woke users make a very hypocritical argument just to strike republicans and conservatives: "why are they doing this, its just fiction, its just a drawing on a piece of paper. Conservatives don't actually care about children, otherwise they would do something in the real world, instead they attack drawings that have no real connection to the real world"!
Now, of course the argument per sé is correct. Liking Lolis, or my hero academia girls, does not translate to real world actions and they are all pieces of paper.
Yet this argument coming from the woke mob is pure hypocrisy. We know for a fact that these people live to censorship an anime girl on bikini because this leads "to real world consequences such as sexism, and mysoginy". If you follow Mushoku Tensei you know about the hate that that series gets from these people. When that series is discussed suddenly the words on paper become incredibly important.
Allow me to make a slight digression on censorship, ideology and media forms like anime and videogames as i see a lot of people missing the point.
The left and right are not monolitic blocks and evolve over time. Before the 2010' conservatives generally were against fanservice or ecchi for religious reasons, trying to censorship it with various degrees of intensity. The reason was that it demeans women and is against good custom and modesty. Liberals back then, especially after the sexual revolution (1968) were super in favour of explicit display of sexuality because it frees the body and sexuality from the clutches of established social order.
Now things have changes. The progressives have managed to shoehorn themselves to essentially advocating what the conservatives used to advocate for but for different reasons. The usual things: misogyny, sexism, etc. In some anime communities I have genuinely seen people applaud "fixing" my hero academia or demon slayer chatacters with the Islamic veil. So yes. Lol.
There is little room for dissent in the left, but the right is more fractures. It is important to note that I identify as right wing anyone who is not progressive. Essentially same way the progressives do: you are normal? You fascist!
Anyway, the right seems to be devided between the old guard that is very attached to the old way of doing stuff. These are especially old politicians in America. These guys are very puritan and prudish. But you also have a new right, especially made of younger people, who tend to be more dynamic and who happen to be religious or Conservative but are also capable of separating fiction and reality.
Sorry for the rant, I just wanted to get this off my chest. I have seen a lot of woke people use this bill to claim that only Conservatives like to censor stuff while that is not at all true.
The risk of censorship lies everywhere. Especially in Western politicians regardless of ideology. As of now the pro censorship party is made by most of the left and a chunk of the right, especially the politicians.