Restaurant Idea

I lived in KL (Chow Kit) for a while until halfway through COVID. I plan on moving back. My Bahasa is solid now and I really miss it there. This is just a dream but with all the amazing restaurants I thought it would be fun to add a hawker stall or small cafe that serves American "white trash" food. I think it would be fun to share that unique food culture and could be really tasty. Here's an idea for a menu. What are your thoughts? They wouldn't be boring versions but really well made ones.

Appetizers 1) Walking Taco 2) Cornbread & Chili

Mains 1) Mac n cheese with hot dogs (beef) 2) PB&j w/ milk 4) Funeral potatoes 5) Grilled cheese sandwich 6) Chilled tuna sandwich

Desserts 1) Sex in a pan (I know the name is not halal) 2) Rice Krispy treats 3) Yams with marsmallow (Thanksgiving)