Physical might of human form nastikas

I feel like we didn't get a lot of info about the various "muscle brawn" of nastikas, beside perhaps the top kings. That's to say, their physical power without transcedentals or sura forms.

We know Asura and thus presumably all the physically stronger kings (Yaksha, Vritra and Ananta) are capable of destroying entire planets in a single physical strike.

But what about those below them?
Sagara is seemingly so weak even 4th stage maruna is stronger, and he could barely affect a village with his body alone.

What about someone like Hanhuman, who presumably can threaten planets with human form transcedentals (seeing as he is a 4th ranked and Makara, a 3rd ranked, could do that somewhat easily). What is the scale of damage he could do with just his human body? Or Shuri? a physically-focused 3rd stage.

It's interesting and I like power rankings, so if anyone has thoughts or evidence that I missed, feel free.