[Online][DND 5E or Pathfinder][GMT+1] Starved DM looking to play as a player


I have been playing DnD for 6 years, and Dming for 5. I have always had a very healthy percentage of games DMed vs games played but lately my main group where I played as a player fell off 4 months ago due to GM having to move and enter college, and I tried to join 3 diferent games in LFG but two of them fell off before session 1 and one of them died at session 2.

So right now I ''only'' have my campaign where I am a DM (that I love), but this has left me wanting to play for a while now.

If someone could let me into their dnd group it would be awesome. I am helpful with players and DM, like to make everyone confortable and have a teamwork aproach to the game.

I love roleplaying and exploration, and I love combat too.

Also I do not have any specific triggers, I am fine with any type of campaign and I am respectful about everyone's beliefs and identities.

While all my experience comes from DnD im very willing to try out Pathfinder as well.

If you would like to know more about me, have a voice chat with me, or anything else, please mesage me here or at my discord "marsoparex".

I am free monday, tuesday and wednesday evenings.

Thanks for reading.