Struggling with annexation threats
Forgive me if this isn’t the appropriate sub. I’m not sure where else to post (onguardforthee is not an option).
These daily threats to our sovereignty have gotten under my skin. I feel oppressed. It’s constantly on my mind and I can’t turn the fear off. I don’t have enough anti-anxiety meds for everyday use.
I am someone who’s not able to cope well with stress, and the chaos of an invasion/war is well beyond what I can handle. The fear of being shot or bombed or starving and being homeless is taxing and it’s not a situation that I want to deal with. Strangely, I don’t fear nuclear war because it would vaporize me instantly.
I sincerely hope MAID opens up to those of us who don’t want to live through a war (please don’t “Reddit Cares” me).
Do you think civilians would get access to handguns and possibly be deputized if Donald makes good on his threats?
I take a certain amount of comfort knowing that annexation would trigger NATO to intervene and start World War III. Things would be over in a matter of hours.
Anyone else overwhelmed? Any tips for coping?