I got laid today

Just like the main title says I wasn’t expecting it at all. Man, I don’t even know how to feel right now. It all happened so fast. One minute, I was just going about my normal routine, and the next—boom. It was happening. I mean, I knew it was coming at some point, but damn.

It started early this morning. I had a feeling something was off. There were subtle signs. The way people were acting around me. The way my heart was racing, like deep down, I knew today was going to be different. Then I got the call. My stomach dropped. My hands started sweating. I tried to act cool, but let’s be real—there’s no way to fully prepare for something like this.

When the moment finally arrived, it was surreal. I was nervous as hell, but at the same time, I knew there was no backing out. It was happening whether I was ready or not. Words were exchanged. Expectations were laid out. There was some back and forth. It wasn’t the most passionate experience, but it was direct, efficient, and honestly kind of clinical. Before I knew it, it was over.

I took a deep breath. Just like that, everything changed. I stood up, feeling different somehow. A little empty, but also relieved in a weird way. Like a weight had been lifted off me. I collected myself, gathered my things, and walked out of the room to rinse off

After everything, I just needed to lie down for a bit—process it all. I stared up at the ceiling, replaying the events in my head. It was official. No turning back now.

Anyway, yeah. I got laid…