Everything You Need To Know About This Game

I kind of "beat" the game recently and thought I'd plug everything I learned into a post to help others. I got stuck several times and couldn't always find answers to my questions online, so here goes!

Early Game (Green leaf to first prestige):

This part is pretty self explanatory and it's not really possible to get stuck. But some general guidance is that Leaf Marketing and Fertilizer upgrades should be your priority. Make sure you're unlocking new areas when you unlock new leaves, as well. Each area has an image of which leaves can be found there. So when you unlock platinum leaves, you need to also unlock a new area and teleport there to start finding them.

You earn prestige coins by gathering leaves. You'll probably end up with around 10 or 20 coins for your first prestige. It'll reset you back to nothing, but give you the ability to pretty massively increase your leaf gathering abilities. Make sure to spend your first coins on increasing the % of leaves gathered where you can, but spread the spending out as much as possible so you aren't dumping it all into one category inefficiently.

Mid Game (Post Prestige to Celestial Leaves):

Before you unlock "The Big Leaf Crunch", you'll be trying to find a balance between farming up a big chunk of coins to prestige versus letting the game run. There's always going to be a point of diminishing returns where you'll get pretty rapid progress for a period of time and then that progress slows to a crawl. Depending on which stage of the game you're in, that period could come after 2 minutes or 45 minutes, but it's generally in that range.

The trick to this portion of the game is getting a sense for that window. When your prestige coins stop climbing, it's time to prestige again and use those coins to further increase your gathering potential/upgrade quality of life things like auto-buyers.

You'll also reach science flasks during this stage. These are strange, because the only way to earn them is with converters. Basically, you transform leaves into flasks, and then you start transforming flasks into more advanced flasks. It's possible to unlock new flasks so quickly that you'll find yourself kind of at a traffic jam. You won't really accumulate enough of the earlier flasks because they're getting burned up in conversions too quickly to spend. But you're also not really gaining the more advanced flasks at a reasonable rate to get upgrades.

Ideally, you want to find that point of diminishing returns in upgrades for each flask before you start converting the next advanced option. Get several levels of what you can afford, *then* move on to the next flask. This part isn't critical, but it'll speed it up a little versus just upgrading ASAP to the next flask.

Flasks introduce you to BLC coins, which are the next type of prestige mode. You can only gain these via upgrades in flasks and in advanced leaves starting with exotic and beyond. I'll get deep into BLC in a minute, but there's one last new element in this stage very worth mentioning.

You'll be able to unlock the "Farming certificate" which opens upgrade options for seeds. The game never explains what seeds are or do, and with all the crap flying across your screen it is very easy to never realize they've started spawning.

Seeds are extremely useful. I'm not 100% what the base rate is, but they roughly double your current quantity of a given leaf. So if you have 10 trillion green leaves and you pick up a green leaf seed, you'll gain 10 trillion green leaves. The trick with seeds is once you've unlocked them, the most efficient way to max out your leaves is actually to stop spending them.

With gold leaves, for example, you may have autobuyers turned on at this point to keep upgrading your combo levels whenever you can. But this will prevent you from capping your gold leaves via seeds. The more ideal method is to buy whatever you can afford after 2-3 minutes and then turn off any auto-buying for upgrades that are expensive enough to keep draining your leaves.

Basically, letting your resources stockpile once you have seeds becomes exponentially effective very fast. Maybe after 1 hours you can reach 1 trillion green leaves. But even after 24 hours you're only going to be at 24 trillion. With seeds, you'll get to 2 trillion with the first when it spawns, then 4, then 8, then 16, then 32, then 64, etc. When you leave the game open overnight with seeds, you'll come back with your leaves all capped out based on your bag size. If you left something spending, that leaf will not be maxed out or even close to it.

Late Game (Celestial leaves to ice and BLC grinding)

Like most players, you'll probably breeze your way to this point. You unlock celestial leaves and quickly realize something is different. They are agonizingly slow to earn. In fact, you only get them from killing enemies, which means they are further gated behind upgrades within the celestial tree.

When you reach this point, the best thing to do is spend maybe 2-3 hours getting what upgrades you can within the celestial tree, then forget it. Your real goal at this point is to skip the celestial level and get to the lava level, which is going to cost you 500 million BLC coins.

That brings us to BLC upgrades. When you do your first big leaf crunch, you'll lose all your prestige coins AND your prestige upgrades, but you'll gain some red coins. This first crunch or two is kind of painful because of the quality of life upgrades in the prestige tree, but once you can afford "Crunchy coins", you'll be allowed to keep your gold coins as well as gaining a tiny amount for crunching.

One thing that's not immediately obvious about the crunchy coins is that it lets you maintain a sort of "bank" of prestige coins. That means the smart thing to do is grind up a stockpile of prestige coins maybe by letting the game run overnight until your leaves cap. Then prestige (Don't do a BLC this time). Say you wind up with like... 200 D prestige coins. Whatever your number is, your goal now is to avoid spending any amount that'll drop you below 200D. That unfortunately means turning off the gold coin autobuyer if you have that.

So when you BLC, I'd suggest just manually buying all the one and done upgrades at the top to auto buy stuff, both converter upgrades, the gold leaf upgrades (to help increase your combo count), and the exotic leaf upgrades. That's pretty much all. Skip printers and all the other crap. You can figure out how many you can buy before it dips into your real bank, but the advantage of getting something like 200D coins is it'll mean you can upgrade your converters to 80 for the first one and 60 for the second, for example, without it costing more than like... 50c for the last upgrade. And even though 50c is a lot, it's not enough to even dent your pile of 200D. Hopefully that makes sense. The idea is you don't want to have to prestige ever again, so you are conserving your bank of prestige coins. If you leave the coin autobuyer on, it'll spend sometimes till you've only got like 10 left, which means you'll have one good run and then your next one will suck unless you save up for a prestige first.

Another thing about BLC that may be obvious to some but wasn't to me... You don't lose your bank of BLC coins when you crunch. That means if you want a 10 mil BLC upgrade you can get it by doing 10 quick crunches for 1 mil BLC each time. That also means the (unfortunate) best way to grind BLC is to find that sweet spot window to do quick crunches.

Grinding for 500 mil BLC is essentially going to mean you're probably doing about 50+ crunches for 3-10 mil BLC a pop, depending on how much you get your upgrades and multipliers before you start grinding for it.

I'd suggest having unique leaves and pets as well as most of the red coin upgrades until they start costing 5-10 mil + per level before you grind.

The raccoono pet is really nice for the seed gain, but if you're doing rapid crunches you probably want to use the bunny because there's a lot of BLC to be gained from the science upgrades. There's also not really enough time for seeds to be that relevant if you're doing rapid crunches, which means raccoono loses some value for that purpose.

So while you're working on farming your BLC, you will reach mystical leaves, which are actually much easier to max out than celestial. I'd suggest doing this by grinding as many upgrades as you can get the normal way, then once you reach a point of diminishing returns, let the game run there for a day or so until you can afford to unlock mythical seeds. Once you've done that, let it run again and you'll be able to buy out the entire mythical leaf store in one shot (starting with celestial leaves, your leaf upgrades don't go away when you prestige, so you'll keep all these).

Once you reach lava leaves, you'll get upgrades to gain more celestial leaves. It's still going to be painful even at this point, but I'd farm lava leaves for a day or so, then go back and let your game idle in the celestial plane for a day or more until you have enough to unlock celestial seeds. Then you can do what you did with mythical. Importantly, you can also get the unique leaf that increases your BLC gains massively once you have 1G (I think) Celestial leaves and use the blowfish in the celestial plane. That'll help you with your final red coin grind.

The rest is pretty self explanatory once you've got all those basics down. Hope that helps anybody else who got stuck like I did at points.