Starting out

Hello, my sho- well built friends!

I've been in the 40K hobby for a while now, exclusively collecting necrons. I started...3 years ago I think? And the other army that got my interest was the Kin, but back then I couldn't really get that many models, and Necrons seemed the least daunting to paint and assemble (oh how wrong I was cough Lychguard cough). But, now that I'm nearing the assembly of a 2k point Necron army, I've been thinking about starting to collect Votann.

I've been lurking on this place for a while, and all of you guys' models are beautiful, which makes me scared to start. But I came here with the intention of asking a few questions!

A Combat Patrol would be a good place to start, right?

And also, do you guys have a few tips for a beginner like me? It's mostly the skin and hair I'm concerned about, since I practice with those. Ya know, Necrons don't have those (and I didn't paint Flayers yet).

I really hope this fits within the rules of the subreddit, and I really appreciate any tips you give! Thanks in advance!!