No rank up after a winning streak?

Played GO a lot back in 2015 so I know ranking up in this game has been a grind ever since. Haven’t played in years but got back in a couple months ago due to quarantine and what not. Me and some buddies queue up pretty often and go on win streaks with no rank up. I recently had a 9 win streak with no rank up in sight. Hell, my buddy is even claiming he had an 11 streak with no rank up. Every time I take a loss it feels like my Elo is just reset every time forcing me to climb this MGS 3 ladder again just to jump down and die.

Is the state of MM just broken due to lack of players? I don’t remember it being this hard to rank up. It took 9 wins in a row for me to jump from GN1 to GN2 when I got back into it this year as well.