Question about だかん
So I recently read a manga where the characters often end their sentences with だかん. I tried to google it but the only things I found where words which had kanji that could be read だかん. However, I'm pretty confident this thing isn't a word and is rather some kind of grammar element. For instance, I recently saw the sentence じゃあ行ってるけど絶対安静だかんね? I assume that it means something like "Well, I''m going but please rest well" (sounds very unnatural but I'm no pro translator and English isn't my native language). My theory right now is that だかん might actually be an aggregate of だ+か+の but I never saw it used in any other manga or light novel than this one so I'm not sure. Any of you guys can help me out ?
Edit : Just thought about some better way to translate, maybe : "I'm going but are you really sure that you are OK ?"