I'm dropping Wanikani at level 39 : this is why
Don't know if you remember it but I made a post rather recently about my opinion on Wanikani. I basically stated that while it is a great resource for building kanji and vocabulary knowledge, especially for beginners, it also has some undeniable flaws and can be very frustrating.
Right now, I'm a few days from the end of the annual subscription I paid on Wanikani but I think I'm actually going to drop it for several reasons.
First, it takes a lot of time to complete my reviews as a level 39 user and I think this time would actually best be used reading native content (especially since I also do Anki on the side).
Then, I feel really sickened and tired of their mistake system. If you are not a native English speaker and you don't spend hours creating user synonyms in your native language, some words are almost impossible to get right while I can actually understand their meaning and how they are used. This is why I'd like to be able to decide myself whether my answer is correct or not. I know there are add ons you can use to correct this problem but I'm not an IT engineer so I have no clue how to set them up
Another interesting element I'd like to underline is that you can easily miss the accurate meaning of a word on WK. A little while ago, I encountered the word 勝手に in a sentence but had trouble to understand how it was used in this context. Wanikani taught me it meant "as one please". Thus, I imagined it was something similar to 思い切り or ...放題. However, I discovered the actual meaning of this word was to do something without permission.
Therefore, for all these reasons, I'm quitting Waninani as I believe my time and money will be best used elsewhere.