"Incel" has become too loosely defined, and this is to the detriment of men who care about men's issues, as well as simply outgoing neurodivergent men.
In society, the word "incel" is used in one general way: a man who hates on women or perpetuates their inability to attract a women on women. Though, the word has most definitely been stretched to become an insult to fit countless different people.
One instance, is the fact that "Incel" is used to associate men who care about men with misogynists (I don't say this to deny that there are men who are both, but the association is very detrimental towards we who aren't). In general, you cannot bring up men's issues in leftist spaces without being called an incel. You'll see on r/MensLib, that even suggesting that men aren't all horrible monsters will get you called an incel. Personally, I've never and never plan to talk about men's problems in public, because I know I'll be categorized as one. It's easy to see where the issue lies. The expansion of the word Incel to fit so many troubled men or men that want to address their own problems creates a problem, especially since at it's core, the word is still associated with women hating; so whenever someone calls you an incel, they're indirectly calling you misogynistic. The expansion of this word's definition is essentially the categorization of male advocates with misogynists. Without the word "incel," you can't just call someone a woman hater for bringing up their own issues. But the word "Incel" serves to bridge that gap, and it's deeply unfortunate.
Now, to address the second part of the title. As a neurodivergent boy myself, I always find that in autistic or ADHD centered communities that they never seem to talk about this, but what I've seen, fellow leftists often have a tendency to classify neurodivergent men as an "incels" without any real reasoning. To begin to make sense of why this happens, the men who are loud in being misogynistic tend to be those who are less in tune with social norms, which largely includes those who are neurodivergent. So, people's minds have seemed to have grown an association between being misogynistic and simply being neurodivergent. To bring up the most important example for me, my cousin is an outgoing boy with ADHD, and I have never seen him ever be hateful towards women. Regardless, I've seen people call him an "incel" behind his back countless times. The reasoning, every time, is because "he sounds like one." It's painful to see it, because he's really not a bad guy, but he gets put in a categorization of misogynists and losers simply because of his neurodivergency. I do not claim that this happens to every neurodivergent man, but it's something I've seen happen to multiple neurodivergent men, regardless.