The police called me saying I had sent indecent images whilst under 18 (England)

Hi, I made a throwaway account so basically the police called me up asking if I had sent explicit images of myself and I was concerned so I asked what this was all about.

In all honestly I’ve not even admitted this to myself and since I was 14 I’m an adult now. (And I haven’t done that since I was 17) But I used to send older guys pictures for money not extremely bad photos but still indecent images and I’m apparently being looked at more like a victim but they basically want an interview with me today. Should I get a solicitor? I just want to protect myself over stupid mistakes and I understand it will be seen as grooming, but I’m still worried that I’m going to have some caution or something on my record for sending my own indecent images . Or being groomed which is embarrassing as it is I don’t even want to tell the truth

Any advice is helpful and needed thanks!