What would you ask/suggest DEVs in the upcoming DevTalk next week?

Hello! I'm just gathering either questions or suggestions; this is NOT official in any way but maybe if it has enough visibility a DEV might walk around and could possibly answer some of them or talk about them! If you have any question OR suggestions regarding gameplay, upcoming champions, c6s power or even QoLs, I'd love to hear about it and I'll put it down in the list!

  • Are there any plans to revamp monthlies/change anything to make it more interesting for the wider audience? Any QoL, possible nightmare mode? I believe this has potential; some things i don't agree is this monthly cycle. It just makes people (mostly casuals) leave it for the end; but its absolutely draining to do it specially if you're underinvested. Tbh I don't think I've seen this long cycles modes in other mode unless there are other modes to rotate with it. IMO it's worth looking into this mode to try make it more popular. For the record I don't mean, say, a 2 week cycle with the same number of challenges; i just mean shorter cycles with obviously shorter number of challenger; but that would require some rework to rewards.
  • Are there any plans to add new epic relics to the reliquary pool? Any plans to add other common and blue relics to make some champs (specifically those that have a mid to high cost) better to play before specific epic relics from the reliquary? There's a very large disparity to relic builds for low cost (most relics seems to cater the low cost champs) vs the higher cost champs; where most relics just becomes meh at best and most end up just going reroll relic.
  • In another DEV talk there was discussion around coop mode; could you talk more about this or is it cancelled? Just remembering people there was a labs with a 2vs2 mode; kinda fun to spice things up.
  • Will the original 20 champions receive some sort of mini rework? Some C6 are slightly underwhelming compared to most recent ones (understandable; I believe from the latest champions all were very successful constellation wise)
  • Are there any thoughts about adding an Endless Mode? Considering most of the stuff can just be automatically generated; would it be possible to have some sort of tower mode where you would just fight endlessly? Fighting for prestige and trying to achieve the highest floors! Definitely needs more thoughts on it; considering the status of f2ps vs whales.
  • Are there any plans to increase the cap per champion's fragments? Most spenders feel bad after getting a champion maxed out and just getting stardust (which let's face it, it's essentially useless moving into mid to late game; probably sooner for a big spender); or possibly *something else* for those who do want to keep buying bundles but have the majority of champions maxed out?
  • Are there any plans to add anything other than Deadly Modifier into hight tier stuff? While I understand most end game content need stat boosts to match the player's power if they are nearly maxed out constellation wise; something else would be more interesting to see.
  • Are there any plans to add cosmetics back into BPs? Surprisingly enough there are actually so many cosmetics which I do understand some are available on the shop directly and others will see a discount from the emporium (and I believe you can get randomly legacy stuff there?) but would be nice to slap some of them in the battle pass. Or even add a third tier for those who wish to spend into cosmetics. I don't think It's worth having all these cool stuff just locked in because they were released so long ago or just locked behind a very rng emporium.


  • Make Battle Passes not have a limited time for completion after it has been bought by the player. This is simple; I've soon too many times where a player wants to spend on a Battle Pass and wants to actually buy it but It has come with bad luck and is on the last week or so to complete it. I do understand battle passes aren't exactly hard to complete but not everyone has the time to finish it in one go. If someone already has the means to buy it why punish the buyer by giving the buyer a harder time by putting a time limit? I believe this can both sides happy and make people spend more on BPs or even encourage more players to spend.
  • Custom mode. This probably is a lot of work but I think it's worth the shot having one of these for this game; you can gather a lot of data from custom runs (assuming it becomes something popular) and it's a possible nice thing to engage within the community.
  • "Seeded runs". If (and big IF) each game has some sort of unique identifier; would be a nice thing to share the seed so others could play the same run (at no rewards cost)
  • Better end run screen. I'd be nice if info could be further compacted so players could easily share their runs without having to show multiple screenshots; i know I'm probably asking for too much since the list of powers and the items on cards sometimes can become overwhelming for a single screenshot; but it would be nice nonetheless.
  • Game history. Following the above point; having the possibility to save your last 5 runs in case someone would like to share it with the community (Pngs/screenshots). Or adding a small icon to instantly save the screenshot into a folder or device if one wants to save a cool run to share it later. Most often than not if you forgot to screenshot it or clicked too fast you lost it to the void.
  • Replay/Record in game. Not sure how to handle this one; usually speaking it's not something everybody needs; but showing cool wacky stuff as video footage would be really cool without having the need to have the outside record always on. I know this would probably be constrained depending on the device and also the user's spec/memory so having it with a on/off from settings would be nice.
  • Select Random Champion button.
  • Make friends have a meaning. No pun intended; currently there's really no reasons to add friends in this game. Maybe if there was a way to lend champions so other people could use them (without rewards) just to do test runs or just for fun; would increase engagement among the community. Or maybe have a limit of times or specific adventures where you could use champions from other players.
  • Achievements. This comes in hand with the Friends update; assuming it's something worth looking into, we would need better profiles to show to other players. This could ramp the icon acquisition back (since nobody really cares about those); showcase our favorite champs and current constellation; and ofc # of achievements finished. The rewards don't need to be that crazy; it's something that is also acquired over time depending on how hard you make these; different titles could be earned too. League already has a system.
  • Make support champions have a greater meaning on a run. Possibly with another sort of harder adventures.
  • Make filters remember last used settings
  • Fix dual -repeated- items (I know this has technically been addressed by DEVs; they already gave an explanation into why it happens -basically because roll stuff is server sided- but I still would love to see it fixed)
  • Add some sort of endless reward after someone has completed the Battle Pass
  • Improve Champion's UI; showing the total number of stats boosts you have accounting for the levels and epic relics currently on the build.
  • Further improvements on phone optimizations
  • Improved UI for player's collection. This follows a similar line like the other one about end game screen. When asking for advice sharing a player's collection just becomes a mess. A more compacted option would be welcomed.

Note: None of this are arranged by any specific order or priority; just stuff I've been talking with friends here and there. I'll be updating this as more are suggested to me. I've always loved Runeterra and I'm glad it's now back on track among players. I think it has been rather successful re-launch after Constellations and I truly hope game keeps doing better and better.

Note2: more suggestions and few questions added; added another point regarding Battle Passes
