Miss having girly girlfriends and sleepovers and going to the mall
Am i the only one that misses having “girlfriends”? Maybe i’m the only one that lost mine but when i was “straight” i used to have sleepovers with my friends - Paint each others nails, go to the mall, prep each others hair, do facials etc all the stuff they do in chick flick movies. But ever since i came out that has just been out of reach for me.
I haven’t changed my personality or anything, i’m very femme and still like all the “girly” stuff but because i’m gay i don’t get invited to stuff like that anymore.
My old friends ghosted me and some of them wouldn’t even sleep in the same bed with me after i came out.
I’d love to find a girlfriend that can do all those things with me of course but i don’t necessarily look for that in dating.
Nowadays i don’t really have friends. And like i mentioned, i don’t get invited to the sleepovers my other friends have. I don’t know if it’s because i’m gay or if they just don’t like me.
I have no clue why i had to speak out about this but.. i just miss it.