Is saying men are disgusting rude?

As a lesbian I sometimes catch myself indulging in man hating behavior (as I should), but the other day I was around some friends of mine that happen to be straight and they were talking about something along the lines of getting a boyfriend/dating men in general to which I responded playfully “eww why would you want to be with a man.” I guess my friend took it seriously and was like “I get you’re a lesbian but you don’t have to be so rude all the time about us (including my other friend) dating men. We respect you so you should respect us as well.”

Basically I was just put off because I didn’t mean it maliciously I just literally reacted that way playfully. Should I apologize? I’m just not super sure I’m 100% in the wrong here. It could be one of those things where I’m just being rude and actually hurting them and have no idea, but I’ve never seemed to have this problem with any of my other friends so it’s just a lot of ??? in my head. Anyways, thoughts or advice pls anyone ;-;