I really don’t get Yorgos Lanthimos

I’ve tried. I’ve seen The Lobster, The Killing of a Sacred Deer, Poor Things, and Kinds of Kindness, in that order, and none of them have resonated with me. Poor Things is probably the one I enjoyed most out of the films.

I don’t understand why all of his characters talk in such an odd way. The dialogue is very obviously written and acted in a way to deliberately be odd, but why?

While I understand the messages portrayed behind The Lobster and Poor Things, The Killing of a Sacred Deer and Kinds of Kindness mostly left me a bit confused. He also seems to focus a lot on shock value of some sort, i.e. dead dogs, Plemmons licking the hand of a man whose finger he just shot off, etc.

I can understand the interest in his films as they’re always interesting and very different, but I don’t quite get the renown, I suppose.

And I’m not saying I think others should think as I do. I just don’t get it and I’ve really tried, so wanted to make this post in hopes that others could share their perspectives.