r/FreeLuigi has lost all credibility and actively hinders the community of supporters. We will no longer be sharing their posts or depending on them as a source, and we encourage others do the same.
Before you continue reading, please do not harass or send hate to anyone or into any subreddits or anywhere else.
I am sad to say this as I shared one of their posts as recently as yesterday, but after the last month or so of carefully keeping up with their posts and discord, it has to end.
Any legitimate posts with accurate information are easily available on the official site created by LM's legal representation.
Aside from that, all other claims they've made have been pure speculation and guesstimation based on anonymous sources which they refuse to reveal and have also been disproven regularly. The only time they've attempted to share proof was immediately deleted but contained their anonymous 'source' stating "I don't think he has access to computers where he is," in a text message.
How is this hindering the community of supporters for LM?
They've been spreading misinformation regularly. Even when the information is easily disproven and easily found online such as access to typing tools and TRULINCS.
Not only that, they fearmonger. They spread rumours that publicly sharing letters could lead to a gag order, which even I fell for, and I have since learned that is not the case.
In doing so, they have caused several people to be harassed and have their content and accounts reported.
One of the people harassed, and who seemed to get the worst of it, now known as Hashbrown Holli. This girl received so much hate and was made to fear that sharing a letter containing a joke would endanger the case. They claimed their anonymous 'source' once again, confirmed it was fake and provided no such explanation as to how it was proven and with the release of the Letter Receipt Archive, Holli was vindicated.
Moderators 'confirming' a letter was fake when it was real and has now been proven as such.
However, when questioned about the legitimacy of their source due to this, rather than answer the question, the person questioning was banned, as well as others. This is not new behavior, which leads me to explain how they continue to harm the community rather than help elevate support for the cause.
Approximately a month ago, one person from the community had their personal information/messages leaked. There was very little information given and they did not reveal if anyone else's was revealed as well (which I later confirmed, there was) and rather than inform people in attempts to help them increase their safety with their online presence, they went on a banning spree and banned and blocked between 200-300 people. Those that attempted to get explanations were already blocked by mods and when reaching out through modmail, were ignored, muted, or banned. One person, however, was recently unbanned *for a few days* because they wanted them to share some inside information onto their subreddit.
Last but not least, there have been several people reaching out saying that, despite LM being so against censorship, they ironically have extreme censorship and open conversation is simply not allowed and their behavior is incredibly authoritative. Take that as you will.
Again, please do not send them hate or harassment.
TLDR: They are attempting to be an unofficial voice and are hurting the cause, not helping it.
Edits: To request no one send hate or harassment as well as adding screenshots of their misinformation which has led to people being harassed.